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Marketing and Sponsorship: ‘Hungry’ companies have turned independent agencies into red-hot commodities in a seller’s market

A bove the surface of that massive body of water we’ll call the sea of sports marketing, there’s the visible deals of recent note: Wasserman buying CSM , largely for its global reach, but also because there was already shared ownership by Providence Equity; Francois-Henri Pinault, the billionaire CEO of luxury fashion house Kering, closing in on a $7 billion deal to buy a majority stake in CAA . Beneath the surface, there’s even more than the proverbial 90% of the iceberg, as private equity and other funds, along with existing agencies, fervently look to snap up the handful of sports agencies that are still independent. 

Underdog co-founder Dan Mannix, shown with CEO Nicole Jeter West, grew LeadDog Marketing Group until selling it to CSM in 2016. Courtesy of Underdog and Co.

Genesco Sports Enterprises, which has more history and pedigree than most of its independent competition, including long-standing relationships with heavy sports spenders like Pepsi and Anheuser-Busch InBev , is the hot date at the minute. Whether Genesco or a competitor gets acquired, or whether any of them initiates their own agency rollup, is what we’re waiting to find out. But there’s enough money on the sidelines fueling enough interest in a relatively small group of independents that we’re confident in predicting most or all of the independents will change ownership or structure within the next six to 12 months. That’s a group that also includes the likes of Bespoke , Navigate , Paragon , Revolution , and even boutique shops like the 17-person Aquarius Sports & Entertainment

“There’s more transaction or potential transactional activity than I have ever seen in my 16 years,” said Aquarius President and CEO Marc Bluestein . “Live sports and entertainment are more valuable than ever; the marketing world has known that for a while. Now investors and funds know it too, and they want to scale.”

As one agency head put it: “A lot of companies in the sports business are raising money now, because they can’t drive the revenue they want. So, you’ve got more new leagues and more new money chasing this business, along with an endless parade of startup sports properties.”

You might well ask what’s prompting all that activity. At least we did. “There’s so many [acquisition] conversations going on — attributable to how much money is on the sidelines and the way brands want to be able to buy marketing services now, which requires scale,” said Bruin Capital partner David Abrutyn , whose background includes 15 years with IMG . “The key question for all the entrepreneurs who grew those agencies is whether and how long they would be able to survive in a large corporate environment.” Offered the consulting head at one of the most established agencies: “There’s a race to scale quickly by some and in those cases, acquisition is always faster than building out yourself.”

It’s not just traditional holding companies making the outreach anymore. We’re told UTA , which acquired a “significant interest in Klutch Sports ” pre-pandemic and also bought executive search firm James & Co. in June, is being aggressive on the acquisition front, and you also have to consider as potential acquirers everything from larger agency groups like Playfly and Excel to smaller ones, like Dan Mannix ’s Underdog , now backed by PE firm NewSpring Holdings. One wonders if CAA’s pending sale will render it more acquisitive.  

“There’s a lot of capital available and a lot of groups looking to diversify revenue, so they aren’t just at the mercy of their favorite CMO leaving,” said Mannix, who grew LeadDog Marketing Group from 1999 to 2016 before selling that agency to CSM. “These days, owning event properties and IP are vital for any agency in this space.”

Said another 25-year agency veteran: “Consulting is at a transformative moment where there’s more money out there for consolidation than ever. A lot of what’s powering that is analytics. Everyone feels the need to have a solid offering there.”

There are also the more sales-focused agencies like Legends and Oak View Group , which could be enhanced with consulting. Add in all the athlete-focused funds and businesses and the plethora of new sports funds like Mercury 13 , which says it will spend $100 million in women’s soccer, or the $750 million Isos7 PE fund. Following the recent $100 million investment from the Saudi Private Investment Fund into the Professional Fighters League, you have to believe Saudi money will eventually find its way into the sports agency space.  So, you have more dollars chasing a fixed number of agencies. Supply and demand imperatives are dictating the result. 

“We’ve been getting inquiries for years that generally began with three- or four-times earnings,” said another 25-years-plus agency builder. “Now they start at five or six times, which means they’ll pay more than that. It’s a strange time: Our business is good, but there’s more momentum than ever for agencies to be acquired almost independent of that. The market is just very hungry.”

Terry Lefton can be reached at

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