With Harry Nilsson’s “Spaceman” blaring over the loudspeakers at Jackie Robinson Ballpark in Daytona Beach, Fla., one night in March, a 75-year-old man downed his Michelob Ultra, left his seat in the stands and headed for the pitcher’s mound.
This was no ordinary gimmick, and this was no ordinary pitcher. Bill Lee, the former Boston Red Sox star known as “Spaceman,” was coming in to pitch for the Savannah Bananas.
Just another night of Banana Ball.
“Baseball’s fun and it should be a gift,” said Lee, who induced an inning-ending popout. “I want the game to embody that, and the Bananas play it that way.”
That goes for both versions of the Bananas. The organization consists of two teams with the same name and a similar approach to make baseball as much a performance as a game. The Bananas of the Coastal Plain League, a wood-bat collegiate summer league, were founded in 2016. They play 48 games each summer, call Savannah’s 96-year-old Grayson Stadium home, and have a roster composed of about 34 college players looking for extra reps over the summer. Those players aren’t paid and yet have plenty of fun wearing kilts for an entire game, impersonating the iconic dance sequence from “Dirty Dancing” after a strikeout or being led onto the field before the game by a coach atop a horse.
Then there is Banana Ball. It has a completely different roster, no CPL association and launched last year. This year it embarked on its first Banana Ball World Tour. In 14 unscripted games in each of seven different small markets, including Daytona Beach, the Bananas face off against their in-house opponent, the Party Animals, and make up their own rules. Fans in the stands can catch a foul ball for an out. Each team can have a second base coach. All games have a two-hour time limit. One player took the field while on stilts. And a Party Animals hitter carried a flaming bat to the plate.
The Banana Ball players, who were sourced mostly via tryout, were paid $2,500 for the six-week tour in the spring and had nearly all of their expenses covered.
Overseeing it all is a 38-year-old who shows up to work every day, whether at the ballpark or the team offices, in a yellow tuxedo and top hat.
“I’m obsessed and fanatical about the fan experience, and so is our entire team,” said Jesse Cole, who founded the Bananas’ ownership group, Fans First Entertainment. “What I would challenge MLB and other sports to do is to look at that and don’t necessarily focus on the revenue first — focus on the fans first. Do that, the revenue will take care of itself.”
It was that laser focus that ultimately gave birth to Banana Ball. A few years after the team launched, a member of the Bananas’ ticket sales staff would set an alarm on their phone for every 30 minutes on game days, beginning when the stadium gates opened and continuing until the last fans left. When the alarm went off, they’d snap a photo of the crowd. The Bananas would study when fans got up and when they left the ballpark, among some other habits.
“That was the starting point,” Cole said. “We are constantly looking at every friction point and every frustration point of the fan experience.”
Not long after graduating from Wofford College in 2006, Cole became the general manager of the Gastonia Grizzlies, a CPL team that has since left town. In 2014, Cole’s future wife, Emily, surprised him with a trip to Savannah and Grayson Stadium, home to the now defunct Savannah Sand Gnats, a former Class A affiliate of the Mets. There were only a few hundred people in the 4,000-seat ballpark, and the Coles’ eyes lit up with opportunity.
In the first two years of their existence, the Bananas were named the CPL’s organization of the year. They have sold out every game since the middle of their inaugural season. In 2021, when the Bananas won the CPL title, they averaged 3,757 fans per home game, more than any of the other 165 teams across the country that Ballpark Digest looked at as part of its annual collegiate summer league team attendance rankings.
They also have a waitlist for tickets that Cole said recently surpassed 50,000. Team President Jared Orton added that he recently spoke with a CPL team owner who told him, “We just put tickets on sale for individual buyers and every Savannah Bananas game is outselling our Opening Night.”
Part of the appeal is due to the fan-friendly revenue approach. When they launched in 2016, the Bananas introduced all-you-can-eat ticket packages at Grayson Stadium, with a $15 average price point. Because of limited capacity in 2020, the Bananas made every ticket all-you-can-eat and have since stuck with that approach. Their average ticket price now is $20 with costs around $4 to $4.50 to execute.
“We don’t believe that fans should get ripped off for a bottle of water or Coca-Cola or hot dogs,” Orton said. “If people want five hamburgers, a bunch of popcorn, cookies and drinks, be our guest. Only a handful of fans actually do that.” The Bananas instead see fans splurge on premium concessions like beer and ice cream; Orton said they usually see a $7 to $8 spend on additional food and drinks in the park.
Then there is the ballpark itself. Unlike virtually every other venue across sports, Grayson Stadium, with a few specific exceptions, has no advertising signage. In a February 2020 video, Cole introduced what he called “the first ad-free ballpark.”
“It’s unprecedented and many people think we’re crazy,” Cole said in the video, “but that’s how we’ve always done things.”
Orton said the team’s strategy behind shedding its in-stadium sponsorship was simple: “It’s antiquated, it’s not fans-first, it’s ugly, it’s not on brand.”
Most of the Bananas’ sponsors were on year-to-year contracts, and their longer-term sponsors had their deals ending. Orton estimated that by not renewing with about 35 sponsors, the Bananas were costing themselves around half a million dollars in 2020, a figure that would no doubt be larger in 2022 given the organization’s increased national profile.
The Bananas, who have 25 staffers in their front office, have kept the naming-rights partner on their ABR Stadium Club, and their beverage partners — including Anheuser-Busch and Coca-Cola — have also stayed on in arrangements that are geared mostly toward hospitality perks for the brands. But they otherwise source no revenue from sponsorship.
“We leave outrageous amounts of money on the table,” Cole said. “There’s no ticket fees, no convenience fees. We pay fans’ taxes on everything: merchandise, tickets, food and bev. I mean, I don’t know if there’s a sports team in America that does that. Literally, if you’re buying a $20 ticket, it’s $20. We’re so into the long-term fans that we leave a lot of short-term profits on the table.”
Orton stressed the Bananas would consider taking on sponsors in the future, but it would have to be an arrangement that benefited the team, the partner and, most importantly, the fans and their experience. For now, they’re remaining “extremely exclusive.”
It helps that merchandise drives huge revenue. During the team’s first few years it was about a 50-50 split between online and in-stadium sales, accounting for about 18% to 20% of its business with marginal growth each season. After the introduction of Banana Ball in 2021, every month that followed became a new year-over-year record month for the organization, Orton said. Last summer, it was earning over six figures of merchandise just online.
For this year’s spring tour, the Bananas teamed up with Legends Hospitality. They averaged $13 to $16 per caps on merchandise in each new city. Altogether with the tour, the Savannah games and the team’s online growth, the Bananas are moving the same amount of merchandise in one month that they used to do in one year.
Much of that is due to the team’s popularity on social media. Instead of producing the types of videos typically published by a team’s brand account — like player interviews or highlight packages — there are only videos that can be associated with the Bananas’ brand, like players pulling off a choreographed dance before a pitch or a player singing his own walk-up song. The results include 2.8 million TikTok followers, more than any major league team. Their 73,800 subscribers on YouTube would rank sixth among MLB clubs. Their 592,000 followers on Instagram are more than the accounts for seven MLB franchises: the Athletics, Marlins, Orioles, Rays, Reds, Rockies and Twins.
Those figures will continue to expand in the years to come as the Banana Ball Tour rolls on. It is expected to hit 20 to 25 cities next year, with an announcement expected in late September.
All that’s left, then, is taking their show to The Show. Cole said he received calls in May from four major league teams inquiring about the tour coming to their stadium next year. He turned them all down.
“Everything we’ve done has been small bets since we started,” said Cole, “[A major league stadium] is a very big experiment. And what I want to make sure of is that when we go, it’s completely sold out and one of the biggest crowds the stadium has ever had. So I want to make sure we build to that before we deliver that.”
Cole’s goal is to have the Banana Ball tour sell out a major league stadium by 2025. By then, the team could be even more popular. Some of the team’s games have already streamed on YouTube. ESPN+ is debuting a docuseries about the team later this summer. And Cole says he has heard from four different groups about the club’s broadcast rights. “We are taking bids and offers from them at this point and trying to find out what’s best,” Cole said, “but we’re also being very open.”
That spirit has made the Bananas one of the most appealing acts in sports.