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Alison Birdwell, Aramark Sports and Entertainment

Alison Birdwell

President and CEO, Aramark Sports and Entertainment

Born: Hertford, England
Education: Boston University, B.S., hospitality administration; University of Miami, MBA
Family: Spouse, Scott; children, Samuel (21) and Emma (19)

When Alison Birdwell was a teenager, her family moved from England to New Jersey, an understandably immense culture shock. That experience grew her adaptability, which may have helped her during the past 18 months when she became president and CEO of Aramark Sports and Entertainment right as the pandemic set in.

“No one has been prepared for what we dealt with, and I think having the ability to flex is the only way you can get through it,” said Birdwell. “Never in my career as a leader would I have thought I’d have to make some of the decisions I’ve made, do some of the things we’ve done. 

“Who can we keep and who do we have to lay off — a billion-and-a-half-dollar business to zero overnight — what do you do? How do you open a building at 25% capacity, and what’s that experience going to look like?

Birdwell noted that Aramark handled food and beverage service and retail merchandise at the MLB All-Star Game at Coors Field with fewer than 90 days to plan, and provided F&B service for the MLB Field of Dreams game and the U.S. Open, one of the biggest events in American sports — all in one of the most challenging periods of the pandemic. 

“What do you need, what do we need, how do we navigate this together?” she said. “Having those relationships in place for me made it very easy to have those conversations.” — Bret McCormick

More about Alison

Guilty pleasure: Diet Rockstar Energy Drink.

Advice to my younger self: Be bolder. Don’t be afraid to speak up and take risks.

Attribute I look for when hiring: Leadership potential.

My leadership style is inspired by … : My dad. First, he taught me to put things into perspective and control what I can control. But the most important thing he taught me is how to collaborate and be inclusive to get results.

The sports industry will look back on the past year as … : A time to totally reshape the fan experience and business. It’s an opportunity on a level we’ve never had before.

Specific change I’d make related to women working in sports: Hire more of us! There are more women in prominent leadership roles in sports than when I joined the industry, but there isn’t enough focus or advocacy for women on an ongoing basis. We need to hire the best person for a role and their gender shouldn’t matter, but it still does in many instances. We can and must do better.

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