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CapWages seeing rapid growth in early stages

CapWages, a new alternative to CapFriendly that launched in mid-June, has grown quickly with the help of "people in the hockey world" who have "gone out of their way to help CapWages," according to Pierre LeBrun of THE ATHLETIC. The news of CapFriendly’s sale to the Capitals “left many searching for something new." LeBrun wrote PuckPedia was “already in place as a trusted alternative,” but Robert, a Toronto-based tech entrepreneur who declined to share his last name, believed he “could build something that more fully filled the CapFriendly void .” Robert said, “Once CapFriendly closed down, like a week after, we went from a few hundred visitors a day to just under 10,000 per day.” He added, “Some agents reached out and have been very, very helpful.” Capitals SVP/Communication Sergey Kocharov said, “Our intention in acquiring CapFriendly and bringing on some of their staff was solely to enhance our hockey operations department and infrastructure. We are pleased and not surprised that another similar website is preparing to launch, as has happened in the past.” LeBrun noted there are “still features missing on CapWages that were on CapFriendly.” It is a “work in progress.” And Robert “intends to integrate more A.I. software as the site grows.” LeBrun noted there “could be a subscription model with some A.I.-backed enhanced features.” Robert: “Realistically, at some point we’re going to have to support ourselves. But whatever we can keep free, we will. … Anything that CapFriendly had would continue to be free” ( THE ATHLETIC, 9/30 ).

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