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Hamby lawsuit could play pivotal role in upcoming WNBA CBA talks

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WNBA L.A. Sparks F Dearica Hamby’s lawsuit against the league and her former team, the Las Vegas Aces , “might end up playing a significant role in changing language in the CBA about pregnancy and maternity leave,” according to Annie Costabile of the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES. The league’s CBA is set to expire in 2027, but if either the league or the players opt out by Nov. 1, it “will expire Oct. 31, 2025.” The CBA, which was ratified in 2020, guarantees “maternity leave with full pay.” It also “treats pregnancy similar to an injury, illness or other condition, requiring players to notify a team of their pregnancy before entering into a new contract or accepting any kind of qualifying offer.” Costabile noted Hamby’s suit highlights the need for the parties to “revisit the language about pregnancy" in the CBA. Hamby said, ‘‘For women to stand up for themselves and stand up for what is right, it definitely pushes [the CBA discussions] a little bit more” ( CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 8/17 ).

FACT CHECK : Aces coach Becky Hammon had not responded to questions about the lawsuit since it was filed, but when asked about the integrity of herself and the organization in the postgame news conference, she said she had “facts.” Hammon: “I’ve been in either the WNBA or the NBA for 25 years now. I’ve never had an HR complaint. Never, not once. I still don’t, because Dearica (Hamby) didn’t file any with the players union or the WNBA. Those are facts.” She added the allegations of bullying “did not happen.” Hammon: “I spoke with her (Hamby) every day. If she wanted to practice, she practiced. If she didn’t, she didn’t. Over-the-top care, actually. Those are the facts" ( LAS VEGAS SUN, 8/18 ).

MIXED RECEPTION : In Las Vegas, Callie Lawson-Freeman wrote Hamby, in her first game against the Aces since the lawsuit was filed, "was booed almost every time she touched the ball" by the announced sellout crowd of 10,311. A group of children "held signs from their seats that referenced Hamby." One poster said, “We (heart) Hamby.” Others read, “Hamby, thank you for protecting female athletes,” and “We will always miss Hamby" ( LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL, 8/18 ).

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