The Mariners produced a viral "marketing monsoon" dubbed "Hot Dogs From Heaven" where 100 hot dogs attached to parachutes glided into T-Mobile Park on Thursday, according to Mike Vorel of the SEATTLE TIMES. Twelve Mariners employees “leaned over the railings” of the upper deck and released the "heated hounds," all while Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven is a Place on Earth” soundtracked the ballpark. The idea was formed last fall, when Hempler’s Foods -- the Mariners’ local supplier of frankfurters -- “requested an attention-grabbing in-game promotion.” Mariners Senior Manager of Experiential Marketing & Game Entertainment Tyler Thompson said, “As early as November we were buying parachutes from Amazon and adhering them to hot dogs and dropping them into an empty ballpark.” Vorel noted the Mariners have instituted a front office sign-up sheet to “help wrap and distribute the hot dogs.” The team’s concessions partner, Sodexo, cooks and delivers the hot dogs between the fifth and sixth innings "so the hot dogs stay hot." Generally, "in the seventh or eighth inning, the frankfurters fly." Thompson added Carlisle “has taken notice.” Thompson: “She’s seen the feature. She’s a big fan of it. We’re hoping to potentially work with her at some point in the future.” The Mariners plan to run the promotion “at least 20 times this season, freeing roughly 2,000 fluttering franks.” Other marketing efforts, including a mid-inning “Salmon Run” mascot race and "crashing Microsoft computer rally package, have gone similarly viral as well” ( SEATTLE TIMES, 7/4 ).
Everyone’s talking about the breathtaking phenomenon that graced the skies of the northern hemisphere last weekend... Hot Dogs from Heaven 🌭
— Seattle Mariners (@Mariners) May 13, 2024