Former White Sox EVP KEN WILLIAMS , whom owner JERRY REINSDORF fired last August, wants back in the business of baseball. If Williams gets a call from a team he believes he can help win, "he'll listen.” Williams said, “If I don’t get that call, then you can write about life after baseball.” Williams said that he stays in contact with Reinsdorf “all the time.” But a future baseball job would “likely be with another team” ( CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 7/3 ).
Philadelphia Mayor CHERELLE PARKER gave North Philly native and South Carolina women’s basketball coach DAWN STALEY the first-ever “one Philly Award” on Thursday. Parker said the idea is to “give this award once a year on the Fourth of July to a Philadelphian who best demonstrates…civic-mindedness, trailblazing leadership, and a focus on serving the community.” Staley accepted the award at a “Celebration of Freedom” event outside Independence Hall on Thursday morning ( PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 7/4 ).