A new poll "paid for by No Home Run," a group that is "against the proposed terms" of a new Rays stadium and surrounding development found that "about half of those surveyed said they support the plan,” according to Jack Evans of the TAMPA BAY TIMES. The plan for the new ballpark and Historic Gas Plant District “found less favor among those who said they were familiar with the deal’s financial details: Among that group, half opposed.” It is “at least the third poll that has been conducted publicly about the stadium deal.” All three “skew in favor of the stance by the group that paid for the survey.” The deal would involve $600M in public funding -- $287.5M from St. Petersburg and $312.5M from Pinellas County tourist taxes. The ballpark would be the heart of a 65-acre redevelopment for which the city would contribute another $130M for public infrastructure. Mason-Dixon Polling and Strategy, a nonpartisan firm, “surveyed 625 registered voters in St. Petersburg by phone from May 29 through May 31.” No Home Run, founded by former Raymond James Financial executives, argue that the proposed stadium and Gas Plant deals are bad for the city and taxpayers. Support was “higher among men, voters under age 50 and those who described themselves as baseball fans.” Among only those who described themselves as familiar with the deal’s financial elements, “the poll found, support was lower, with 42% in favor, 50% against and 8% undecided.” A poll commissioned by the Rays and conducted in March “reported broad support for the stadium and Gas Plant proposals” ( TAMPA BAY TIMES, 6/8 ).
Poll opposing proposed terms for new Rays stadium shows support for plan