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NCAA settlement bringing tough financial decisions down on college sports leaders

Univ. of Minnesota AD Mark Coyle "must create” $21M in “new money in his budget” as a result of the NCAA settlement of antitrust cases, according to Chip Scoggins of the Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE. Coyle said that college leaders are “waiting for direction on how this new revenue-sharing system will mix with the principles of Title IX,” and that “not every athlete on campus is guaranteed to be included in the revenue sharing.” He added that disbursement responsibility will “fall to coaches or possibly a newly created position.” Coyle: "Do we have to hire a GM-type of person? Do we have to hire a talent acquisition person who can evaluate talent and say, 'Hey, we see Chip's ability at this. We think he's worth $100,000 in the revenue-share model. We think Paul is worth $25,000. We think Coyle is worth $5,000.' Those are all things we have to figure out." Coyle said that he believes revenue sharing “will be separate from name, image and likeness (NIL) deals and investments” and scholarship limits for teams are "expected to go away under the new system.” Coyle: "I don't know if schools will cut sports. I do think you will see schools that cut scholarships. Fund it completely differently. Minnesota could be one of those schools. That is on the table here. I told all our head coaches -- I was very honest with them, and it's the same thing I told our senior staff -- we are going to have to take a hard look at how we fund our programs" ( Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE, 6/7 ).

DETERMINING PRIORITIES : Former Big 12 Commissioner Chuck Neinas said each institution "determines how they want to handle it, so they won’t be uniform." Neinas used skiing as an example, as there is "no money coming from skiing" and it also is "expensive and there’s also a lot of history there." Neinas: "I think most everybody is of the opinion that the number of sports sponsored by institutions will be downgraded" ( DENVER POST, 6/7 ). When asked if it is conceivable Washington State could reach a $20M player revenue cap, interim AD Anne McCoy said, “I think that’s a more challenging proposition for most schools than they’re probably willing to admit right now, requiring a complete philosophical shift. ... Once we have more details, more information, we’ll need to sit down as an athletics team and a university and decide, ‘Where do we want to be in that space? Is this the No. 1 priority, or the No. 6 priority because five other things are more important?’” ( SEATTLE TIMES, 6/7 ).

WHAT COMES NEXT?  In San Jose, Jon Wilner wrote the “most significant corporate leap of all: How soon until the schools sell the naming rights to their athletic departments?” Wilner: “When will the University of Washington Huskies become the Starbucks Huskies? It’s coming, folks. It might take a few years -- maybe five years, maybe 10 -- but it’s coming. ... Why not just sell the name of your football program? Why not sell the entire department to a corporate sponsor?” ( San Jose MERCURY NEWS, 6/7 ).

STILL LOOKING FOR FEDERAL HELP : In D.C., Jesse Dougherty noted the NCAA and its conferences are "continuing to lobby -- and lobby hard -- for a federal bill that would offer antitrust protections, a preemption of state laws that contradict NCAA rules and a ‘special status’ for college athletes that says they cannot become employees.” Congress has held a "dozen hearings on the future of college sports,” but “no bill has made it past the introductory phase.” Sources said that “most Senate and House members don’t have entrenched views on the subject, meaning it should be possible to find a bipartisan solution.” Dougherty wrote without that bipartisan support, it is "hard to see a college sports bill passing through the House and Senate." The election year "makes this even trickier," though proponents of college sports legislation "argue it would be an easy win for most politicians.” With an agreement in place, Steve Berman and Jeffrey Kessler, the lead plaintiffs’ attorneys in the antitrust cases, have “pledged to help the NCAA lobby for certain antitrust protections.” As proposed, the settlement includes a "system in which incoming freshmen could choose whether to opt into the revenue-sharing model," which Berman and Kessler believe "provides protection from lawsuits challenging a cap or other aspects of the agreement” ( WASHINGTON POST, 6/7 ).

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