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A's could play up to seven home games annually outside Las Vegas

The A’s could “play up to seven home games per season away from Las Vegas” as part of the team’s proposed non-relocation agreement, according to a front-page piece by Mick Akers of the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL. A’s President Dave Kaval said that those games “could be international games or one-offs.” He added that the A’s would not "necessarily play" seven home games outside of Las Vegas each season, but the agreement language “would create a cap on how many home games the team could potentially play outside of the market.” The non-relocation agreement is still being finalized, and Las Vegas Stadium Authority Board Chair Steve Hill said that the “number of outside-of-the-market home games by the A’s could be reduced” if it is “deemed necessary” during negotiations ( LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL, 6/4 ).

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