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Gymnast Jordan Chiles, GK Elite create 'Beyonce-inspired' leotard for U.S. Championships

Gymnast Jordan Chiles this week at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships in Houston will compete in a “flashy, Beyoncé-inspired leotard that probably will be polarizing and unquestionably will align with her ethos,” according to Emily Giambalvo of the WASHINGTON POST. Of all of the costumes Beyoncé unveiled during her “Renaissance” world tour, Chiles chose “perhaps the wildest one as inspiration for the leotard she will wear in Friday’s session." It is an “explosion of color, with red and pink stripes across her chest and checkerboard prints that incorporate nearly the entire rainbow.” Roughly 4,400 crystals are “packed within the design,” including a V-shaped arrangement that “mimics a statement necklace.” As soon a Chiles saw a photo of Beyoncé’s colorful catsuit on Instagram, she “wanted it to be a leotard.” She "didn't know whether she would wear it for a competition or it would be one of many in her collection, sold as part of her sponsorship with the leotard company GK Elite.” But Chiles was “committed to her vision.” Several athletes "design their own leotards for major competitions through their partnerships with GK Elite." Design Dir Jeanne Diaz said that Chiles wants “heavy involvement from the start.” Giambalvo noted most of the leotards created for the U.S. Championships feature “varying tones of a single color -- intricate and covered with crystals but nowhere near Chiles’s audacious approach” ( WASHINGTON POST, 5/30 ).

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