Ravens leadership said that as M&T Bank Stadium undergoes more than $400M in state-funded renovations , the hope is it “will extend the stadium’s useful life by decades” and it could become “more viable” for special events, according to Hayes Gardner of the BALTIMORE SUN. This summer marks the first of a three-year project to upgrade the stadium, expecting improvements to be made by the time the stadium hosts iconic soccer brands AC Milan and FC Barcelona on Aug. 6. While much “will remain the same” during this year’s renovation tasks, Gardner notes that "exclusive suites, a beer hall and an upgraded club level are being added to the stadium.” Ravens President Sashi Brown said that they are “really committed” to attracting more events. Brown: “The stadium is already really viable. We think this makes the stadium even more viable for concerts, soccer matches, college football games, as well.” Gardner notes there are “no special events scheduled this fall and, for the next couple of years,” as the stadium’s hosting schedule will be “somewhat limited” with construction expected to take place during the spring and summer. When asked if there was a goal as to how many special events per year would be held at the venue, Brown said: “We haven’t set that, but we’re going to get after them aggressively” ( BALTIMORE SUN, 5/30 ).