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Rosemont mayor endorses Bears' lakefront stadium plan


The Bears' plan for a new Chicago lakefront stadium has a new “key supporter” in Rosemont Mayor and state Rep. Brad Stephens, who yesterday “publicly endorsed” the plan, according to Christopher Placek of the Chicago DAILY HERALD. Stephens -- the sole Republican legislator whose district includes Chicago -- also spoke of “forging a relationship with an unlikely ally:” Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. Stephens said that the lakefront proposal is “spectacular.” He added that he “respects lakefront protection group Friends of the Parks,” but he also believes in “energizing” the lakefront. With less than two weeks to go in the spring legislative session, pitches for taxpayer help from White Sox Chair Jerry Reinsdorf and Bears President & CEO Kevin Warren have failed to picked up much steam with legislators, who would have to approve an extension of Illinois Sports Facilities Authority bonds to help finance construction of new stadiums. Stephens said everyone is “trying to poke holes” in the plan. Placek noted Stephens “lauded Warren for being pointed in trying to sell it to skeptical politicians and the public" ( Chicago DAILY HERALD, 5/13 ).

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