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Norman says LIV thinking about owning golf courses, giving teams home venues

LIV Golf CEO & Commissioner Greg Norman said the league has thought about "owning all their own golf courses, each team having a home venue and they host,” according to Turner, Amin & Kelly of BLOOMBERG NEWS. Norman said LIV “can build out around that.” Norman: “It's not just a golf course. You bring in education, you bring in hospitality, you bring in real estate, you bring in merchandise, you bring in management, you bring in all these other different opportunities that the game of golf has to deliver to a community, to a region. We are gonna be doing that.” Norman said the league has been “received with open arms by many" since its launch in 2021 and golf is “finally looked upon as an asset class." However, he added a "few want to try and stop us for all the wrong reasons,” though they “haven’t been able to sustain their position in the game of golf.” Norman said what LIV has "done brilliantly is injected more capital." He noted the Philippines are "very keen to get us there” as golf in the Philippines is “doing very well” ( BLOOMBERG NEWS, 5/3 ).

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