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Secrecy around Bills PSL prices creating friction among fans

Bills season ticket holders in general admission seats -- which “make up most of the stadium” -- are "still being told by the team that PSL pricing either has not been finalized or that it will not be revealed to them before their experience center appointment,” according to a front-page piece by Michael Petro of the BUFFALO NEWS. Those appointments may not occur until “later this year or next year as fans slowly circulate into the experience center.” The secrecy around the PSL prices has “led to speculation and misinformation about pricing” and “uproar from some fans on social media.” N.Y. State and Erie County officials also have “expressed disappointment that the process has not been more transparent.” The Bills and Legends, which is handling PSL sales and marketing, maintain that they are “not revealing PSL prices before season ticket holders go through the experience center so fans do not prejudge before finding out everything the new stadium will offer.” They said that the “type of experience a season ticket holder has in the current seat will likely not be close to the same in the new stadium, even in an identical area or similar section.” Petro notes since the experience center opened in March, the Bills have welcomed season ticket holders from suites and club seats, though some club seat owners have "not yet been invited to the experience center." Fans in general admission seats "won't be through for at least several months" ( BUFFALO NEWS, 4/29 ).

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