Fashion’s reign in the NFL is continuing with tonight's NFL Draft where fans can expect “fashion to take the spotlight as prospective players use the platform to introduce themselves to a larger audience,” according to Layla Ilchi of WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY. The NFL has "robust coverage plans" for the draft to highlight the prospective players and their red carpet looks. In addition to multiple broadcasts and social streaming, the NFL’s social media team will be on the red carpet with 13 prospective players to create content that "aims to fully immerse viewers." As the intersection of sport and fashion “continues to gain in importance, specifically among Gen Z and younger,” NFL Manger of Social Content and Production Kylie Callura said the league is “really focused on leveling that up and supporting our players.” NFL Dir of Social Content Justin Anderson said with what the league have seen over the last few years, “it’s such an opportunity for them to lean into fashion and it almost becomes an art form. Our team’s job is really to lean into the unique and authentic personalities that prospective players want to tell, help them build their brands and ultimately amplify their interests." According to Callura, the NFL’s fashion content is “some of its top performing.” Last season, the average fashion post “drove 43 percent more engagement and garnered 51 percent more videos views year-over-year.” This has “encouraged the NFL’s social media team to expand its fashion coverage for the draft and for the upcoming football season” ( WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, 4/25 ).