White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf is “upping his ante” for a proposed new ballpark in the South Loop , which he wants a state agency to build and then lease to the club, according to Greg Hinz of CRAIN’S CHICAGO BUSINESS. A source said, “We never said there would not be White Sox investment in the potential development.” The comment comes after earlier media reports indicated that Reinsdorf wants the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority to front the entire $1.25B said to be needed for the new ballpark. The source went on to say, “We have been looking at several scenarios which would, under the right conditions, involve significant private investment.” Hinz noted the source did not define “significant,” but sources close to negotiations said that Reinsdorf has “mentioned a figure of $200 million or more.” The proposed site for the ballpark -- The 78 property -- is owned by Related Midwest, which would “develop the stadium and promised residential and commercial space.” Reinsdorf previously has said that he “intends to invest in the residential/commercial portion of the project,” but has "not discussed injecting his own funds in the ballpark itself." Reinsdorf’s offer to "open his wallet" also comes after a recent statement from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson that the billionaire “needs to 'put some skin in the game'” to advance his ballpark plan ( CRAIN’S CHICAGO BUSINESS, 4/22 ).