The NFL last month held a combined medical summit “believed to be the first of its kind in any sport,” according to Rob Maaddi of the AP. More than 400 athletic trainers, equipment managers, strength and conditioning coaches, nutrition experts and sports science directors “came together to learn from each other and from the league’s research partners.” Injury prevention was a “major focus” of the four-day summit that featured members of the Professional Football Athletic Trainers Society, the Professional Football Equipment Managers Society, the Professional Football Performance Coaches Association and the Professional Football Registered Dietitian Society. The groups met for a “series of workshops, seminars and combined education sessions.” They visited with various vendors and heard from guest speakers that included NBC’s Tony Dungy and former NFLer Andrew Whitworth. The NFL “plans to make this summit an annual event.” Vikings Exec Dir of Player Health and Performance Tyler Williams said that the various medical departments have gathered as individual groups at the NFL scouting combine “for a long time but the idea to bring them all together started a couple years ago” ( AP, 4/15 ).