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Utah gets chance to share 2034 Olympics vision with IOC officials

Members of the IOC’s Future Host Commission heard a presentation Wednesday at the Univ. of Utah’s Rice-Eccles Stadium that focused on what another Olympics Games in Utah “would mean for the state,” and IOC host Chair Karl Stoss said they “have a good feeling,” according to Lisa Riley Roche of the DESERET NEWS. But Stoss “wasn’t ready to say” that another Olympics in the state “is a done deal.” Stoss cited the legacy of Salt Lake City hosting the 2002 Winter Games along with what he called “one of the most important things for the IOC,” the “‘world-class’ venues that remain in place for another Olympics, like the stadium used for opening and closing ceremonies in 2002.” The commission, which “includes top sports officials as well as IOC members,” is in Utah through Saturday along with execs and staff. They are “scheduled to visit all of the venues and discuss details about hosting, including the price tag, recently increased” to $2.45B, all from “private sources.” Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games President & CEO Fraser Bullock was “enthusiastic about the chances of getting the 2034 Games, holding his hand high above his head” when asked by reporters to “rate his level of confidence.” Salt Lake City is the IOC’s preferred host for 2034 , and “a vote by the full membership is expected on July 24.” Before that happens, however, the commission “will report to IOC leaders in June about Utah’s readiness and it will be up to them to make a recommendation for 2034” ( DESERET NEWS, 4/10 ).

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