A Packers’ request for $3M to build a third locker room at Lambeau Field to “help attract more events to the stadium” has been “put on hold by the stadium board,” according to Richard Ryman of the GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE. The team asked the Green Bay/Brown County Professional Football Stadium District for $3M “from its capital improvement fund to help pay for” the $5M project. Money in that fund “can be used only for projects at the stadium.” The board “voted 6-1 to table the matter until its next meeting in June in the hopes of getting more information,” such as “how many NFL stadiums have more than two locker rooms.” Packers Public Affairs Dir Aaron Popkey said that a third locker room “is needed to attract college football games and professional soccer matches to Lambeau.” The Packers “do not give up the home team locker room,” which is in use year-round, and “converted the player gym to a temporary locker room for the Wisconsin-LSU game in 2016.” The Packers are schedule to host a Wisconsin-Notre Dame football game in September 2026. Popkey said that there “is a possibility of hosting a football or soccer contest before then.” The stadium board is “a party to the lease, which means the Packers, city and board must all agree on whatever is negotiated” ( GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE, 4/8 ).