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RISE expands focus to eliminate racism in sports and work in ‘challenging places’


Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross launched social justice nonprofit RISE in 2015, amid fallout from the Jonathan Martin bullying scandal, with the goal of leveraging sports to eliminate racism. RISE provides diversity, equity and inclusion educational and training programs for partners across all levels of sports, from youth community organizations to collegiate conferences and athletic departments to professional leagues and teams. In recent years, RISE has led nearly 800 engagements annually. CEO Diahann Billings-Burford joined the organization in 2018, and today she oversees 18 full-time staffers and another 40 external facilitators.

“When I came in, it was athletes, athletes, athletes. And athletes at every level,” said Billings-Burford of RISE’s initial focus, which has since evolved alongside a shift in the organization’s broader approach. “We started out by using sport to eliminate racism, but we are now also very much in the space of eliminating racism in sport. When you think about it that way, we are now also doing just as much with the coach and the front office staff and executives as we are with the athletes.”

Ross stepped down from the board at the end of 2022 alongside retiring chair Paul Tagliabue, who was replaced by incoming Notre Dame Athletic Director Pete Bevacqua and Troy Vincent, NFL executive vice president of football operations. They will serve as co-chairs through the end of 2024.

Billings-Burford said the change in leadership was tied in part to RISE’s plans to become a public charity, a 60-month process that will hinge on the organization generating one-third of its funding from public support. Ross, who has contributed $30 million to RISE and makes an annual gift of $3 million, has historically provided the majority of the organization’s financial backing.

Billings-Burford also is looking ahead to creating new digital programming — its partnership with Game Plan enables online courses for college athletes — and engaging more with sports such as golf and sailing that have historically lacked racial diversity.

“It’s not to say that things are simple in football and basketball, but we want to be in the more challenging places,” she said. “And the more challenging places for us going forward are not necessarily leagues. It could be states, since certain states may be more challenging than others. And it’s the more challenging topics. What are the things people are really struggling to say to one another and that are really going to move the needle? Our future is always to do the things that are harder to do because we think they’re worth doing.”

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