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Mortensen remembered as a 'defining insider' for his career work

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Longtime ESPN NFL reporter CHRIS MORTENSEN , who died Sunday at age 72 , was the "defining insider of his generation," according to Richard Deitsch of THE ATHLETIC. He first joined ESPN at a time when “most sports information brokers such as Mortensen plied their trade for local newspapers.” But his work “ultimately helped develop an entire cottage industry that is ubiquitous today” -- the sports television insider. Mortensen joined ESPN in 1991 and was ever-present on the network’s programs and platforms. He covered every Super Bowl since 1985, except for Super Bowl 50 when he was forced to take a leave of absence in 2016 after being diagnosed with Stage IV throat cancer. He announced on social media in September 2023 that he was stepping away from ESPN . PETER KING said in an interview yesterday afternoon that Mortensen’s career was a "testament to doggedness." King: “He belongs next to WILL MCDONOUGH on the Mount Rushmore of NFL information people. They are the two guys. He did it for so long and did it so incredibly well that it was the sort of thing that for years no matter where I was, I would make sure that I watch every one of his segments on the ESPN pregame show.” FRED GAUDELLI , longtime producer of “SNF,” called Mortensen one of the “five most influential hires in ESPN’s history.” Gaudelli said, “He was the first true insider that ESPN hired” ( THE ATHLETIC, 3/3 ).

ONE OF THE GREATS :’s King writes Mortensen made every ESPN show he worked on “must-see TV for those of us in the NFL news business,” and his “writing was as valuable.” King: “His impact will never be forgotten, but not just on our business. I’ll remember his grace and his ethos in dealing with a life-altering disease just as much” (, 3/4 ). POYNTER's Tom Jones writes Mortensen "was best known by his colleagues and those who knew him as one of the nicest people they had ever come across" (, 3/4 ).

STAND-UP GUY : THE ATHLETIC’s Andrew Marchand wrote what “always stood out about ‘Mort’ was his decency,” which was truly demonstrated by his role bringing in his successor, ADAM SCHEFTER . Mortensen “not only moved over and made room for Schefter in 2009,” but “pushed for Schefter’s hiring behind the scenes.” While many in the business “guard their spot with vanity and pettiness,” Mortensen “welcomed Schefter as his tag-team partner.” Mortensen became a “big TV star, but never behaved like one.” From production assistants to his fellow insiders, he “acted the right way.” The way he treated Schefter is just one example. Schefter: “I wouldn’t be at ESPN today if it weren’t for Mort” ( THE ATHLETIC, 3/3 ).

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