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Men’s health and sports: More than just ‘Movember’

This may come as a surprise, but one of us, the older bloke, was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. That’s not uncommon in men and the Prostate Cancer Foundation reports 1 in 8 men will deal with this situation at some point in their life.

In fact, it’s the second-leading cause of cancer death in men. That’s why this topic hits close to home. 

The American Cancer Society reported in 2023 that about 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed and 34,700 men died from the disease in the U.S. alone. And, while technology and medical innovations have greatly improved survival rates, it’s thought that 1 in 41 American men will eventually die from this prognosis.

In Canada, the numbers are similar. 

As of 2023, the Canadian Cancer Society estimated 25,900 men would’ve been diagnosed and just under 5,000 died. Prostate cancer is the source of 21% of diagnoses and 10% of all cancer deaths. As it has for our duo, this reality doesn’t avoid the sports world. 

During the past 30 years, athletes, coaches and commissioners such as Arnold Palmer, Cal Ripken Jr., Jim Boeheim, George Karl, Don Garber, Joe Torre, Steve Scott, Steve Garvey and Frank Robinson have dealt with prostate issues. Odds are many more household names are in this cohort.

In the professional sports world, the cancer with the most visibility (and rightly so) is breast cancer and almost every pro sports team and league makes a dedicated effort to fight this insidious disease. The CDC suggests about 240,000 breast cancer cases are annually diagnosed in women and about 2,100 in men with approximately 42,500 Americans dying each year. 

With games and events serving as distractions from daily life, there’s limited room for teams to add more causes to their packed promotional rosters. Thinking of high-profile sports, we’d guess only one cancer-related promotion per year is possible. That said, research we’ve supported (or worked on) has consistently shown notable corporate interest and growth in cause-related properties for sponsorship.

In the 2023 Canadian Sponsorship Landscape Study, cause-related properties attracted the most brand dollars after pro sports. It’s a long way of saying sports properties may want to investigate emerging causes if it leads to new sponsorship revenue.

But let’s be honest: Sponsorship and revenue are meaningless alongside cancer. That’s why this column won’t call for SBJ readers to do anything tied to prostate cancer (beyond advising men over 45 to regularly undergo a painless PSA screening). Simply put, in an age of information overload, no team needs more requests from special interest entities.

Still, if you have a father, brother, son, grandfather or uncle — titles both of us hold — recognize this is about more than marketing or promotions. Cancer illnesses are significantly intertwined with our industry, especially since many men (45 and older) consume pro games or participate in recreational sport.

And while November, that fall month full of the cold rain Guns ’n’ Roses sang about, sits firmly in our rearview mirror, we’re thankful the Australian-based Movember Foundation made November more notable for this issue.

Movember was started in 2003 in Melbourne when a group of Aussie men encouraged each other to grow mustaches for 30 days and raise money to fight cancers of the prostate and testicles, as well as depression. Since then, the group has raised more than $1 billion from 6.6 million fundraisers in more than 20 countries.

“Since its inception, Movember has funded more than 1,300 men’s health projects around the world,” said Tim Gnaneswaran, country director (U.S.) for Movember. “But many people still don’t know enough about the risks. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men but not talked about enough. Men with family histories of prostate cancer should begin speaking to their doctors about prostate screenings by age 40.”

It may explain why, in November, you don’t have to walk past very many men to see cancer awareness evident on their upper lips. We’ve both previously sported some facial hair, and putting our sport marketing hats back on, we applaud the Movember-like efforts found throughout sport. Here are a few examples.

The NFL’s Crucial Catch campaign with the American Cancer Society, which seeks to encourage people to screen early, is the most recent of a long-standing partnership that famously launched with NFL players wearing pink in support of breast cancer research. The league’s sleep and wellness partner, Sleep Number, has worked with clubs including the Dallas Cowboys, Minnesota Vikings and Kansas City Chiefs to organize events to support those affected by cancer.

The NHL’s Hockey Fights Cancer just celebrated 25 years of effort. Supported by many other organizations, it’s a partnership between the V Foundation, NHL Players’ Association and the league. It focuses on support for cancer research.

With Major League Soccer, their Kick Childhood Cancer campaign has been supporting childhood cancer awareness for a decade. Continental Tire is a key partner.

As this issue comes out, the geezer with prostate challenges just finished radiation at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York. The early prognosis seems good and with active annual inspections, there’s reason to believe our monthly column continues for another decade.

Still, if you are reading this, don’t put off getting checked. And think about becoming or supporting a “Mo Bro” in November. You can bet we will.

Rick Burton is the David B. Falk Professor of Sport Management at Syracuse University and COO, North America, for Playbk Sports. Norm O’Reilly is dean of the University of Maine’s Graduate School of Business and a partner at the T1 Agency. They are co-authors of “Business the NHL Way” (University of Toronto Press).

Questions about OPED guidelines or letters to the editor? Email editor Jake Kyler at

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