Episode 1 of SBJ's "Inside the Industry" is now on YouTube.

Morning Hot Reads: Outside Impact

The GLOBE & MAIL goes with, " A reckoning is coming with the junior hockey sexual-assault scandal ." Upon hearing that five members of Canada’s 2018 world junior hockey team had been "told to surrender to police to face sexual-assault charges," the response of "many in the country was undoubtedly: justice, finally." But people should "never forget the degree to which some of those in positions of power and influence attempted to ensure that details of this ugly and disturbing alleged incident never saw the light of day." Whether people "end up in jail or walk away without penalty," this story has had a "profound impact on not just the world of junior hockey, but amateur sports in general." Since it broke, there have been "several stories that have chronicled abuse of athletes and others at the amateur level in this country." There is a "consensus that abuse anywhere in this country’s sports system can’t be tolerated under any circumstances," and what is needed are sports leaders who are the "antithesis of those who inherited positions of authority at Hockey Canada when this sexual-assault allegation first surfaced." 

The TORONTO STAR also looked at the ongoing scandal under the header, " There may actually be consequences for the Canadian juniors accused of sexual assault ."

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