In N.Y., Josh Kosman cited a source as saying that part of The Arena Group’s decision to enact " massive layoffs " at Sports Illustrated was to "get rid of high-paid writers, eight of whom allegedly make a combined” $2M. The company sent out a "mandatory 60-day WARN notice to SI staff last week and fired some workers immediately.” The magazine’s “few remaining big-name writers include Tom Verducci, Jon Wertheim, Chris Mannix, Greg Bishop and Pat Forde.” A source said that those writers “remain on the payroll” but the plan is to “fire them and offer to bring them back on a contract basis” ( N.Y. POST, 1/24 ).
INCREASED VISIBILITY : In Boston, Emma Healy noted NESN “put forth an all-female lineup of reporters and analysts” for Tuesday's consolation and championship games of the women’s Beanpot tournament. The production -- from “producers to directors and operators -- was led by women.” It was the “first live production of the 'Women of NESN' brand," an effort to “increase the visibility of women and women’s sports across the network.” The brand began as an "internal resource group for female employees at NESN seven years ago" ( BOSTON GLOBE, 1/23 ).