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'In The Know' with Pro Volleyball Federation's Jen Spicher

pro volleyball federation

Welcome to a new occasional feature from Sports Business Journal in which we ask sports business executives to share their "media diet" -- the sites they turn to for news, information and entertainment. On the eve of the launch of the Pro Volleyball Federation, we asked CEO JEN SPICHER to highlight her go-to sites.

Spicher oversees both the day-to-day business and volleyball operations at the PVF. Prior to joining the league, she served as the CRO for LevelUP Human Capital Solutions and had stints as an EVP at TalentWave and as a VP at HR consulting company Kelly. She played college volleyball at Wayne State University and coaches a travel club based in the Detroit-Metro area.  

Daily Podcasts:

SBJ Morning Buzzcast

The Herd with Colin Cowherd

ESPN "First Take"

Weekly Podcasts:

Bet on Her

New Heights

Daily Newspapers:

USA Today

Wall Street Journal

The Athletic

The Detroit News

"Wall Street Journal does an excellent job covering the business side of sports. The Athletic has some of the best features in the industry and I’m from Michigan, so always have to read about the 'home' news."

Weekly or monthly magazines:

Golf Digest

Sports Illustrated

"I’m an avid golfer, so always looking for tips and stories about the game!"

Daily news programs:

"I still enjoy the local and national news shows for my daily updates."


Sports Business Journal

Volleyball Magazine

VolleyTalk Pro Boards

"And of course, the league and all the team sites at!"


"I'm in the middle of "My Name Is Barbra" by Barbra Streisand. I really enjoy biographies and autobiographies."

Go-to music:

"When working, Alexa is always on 'Yacht Rock Radio.' I’m a 70’s classic rock girl -– Love the EAGLES!"

— Compiled by Wes Sanderson

(Editor's note: Want to share how you stay "In The Know?" Email

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