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Ice Cube talks growth, goals of Big3 following Basketball HOF honor

Ice Cube formed the Big3 as a means for former NBAers to “continue their careers and younger players to retain their basketball dreams,” and after seven seasons, the Basketball HOF decided to “dedicate a mural in its lobby, along with the award for the former member of NWA,” according to Gary Washburn of the BOSTON GLOBE. Ice Cube: “We’re so early into our work. The Big3 is going to Year 7, you just grind and do the right thing and we wanted to have a league that treated athletes better than the other leagues, that respected athletes.” Ice Cube and league co-founder Jeff Kwatinetz have a “strained relationship with the NBA,” as they accused the NBA of “dissuading players and sponsors” from participating because the league views it as a “direct competition.” Ice Cube: “We’ve always wanted to have a working relationship with the NBA. And look, players love us, owners love us, coaches love us, scouts love us. Our issue is with the top brass and they may be threatened a little bit and we would love to work with them a little more closely and be able to work out some of these things.” He added, “We thought our league would be great as a way for them to try things, to see if they work for the Big3, they’ll adapt them in the NBA. They’ve done it, but we haven’t collaborated in the process. …So we just want a more collaborative process if it can be had. If not, that’s fine, too” ( BOSTON GLOBE, 1/20 ).

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