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Report: Krafts not eyeing role in Patriots' football-decision process

There is “mass hysteria” in New England that the Krafts are positioning themselves to make football decisions for the Patriots, but it has been indicated “very strongly that ownership won’t be making football decisions nor have they been,” according to Tom Curran of An ESPN article released Friday alleged former coach Bill Belichick “ felt his culture was being ‘eroded’ by ownership meddling .” However, Curran noted there is “no desire to put a Jerry Jones-ian stamp on things.” He noted there is a “lot of suspicion, whispering, mistrust and positioning going on" and ownership “didn’t do itself or Jerod Mayo any short-term favors by anointing him Belichick’s successor contractually and verbally." Even if the intention was to "make sure Mayo stayed in the organization," the result was that -- once the season “started to spiral and speculation centered on whether Kraft would follow through on his ultimatums -- Mayo became the bad guy for many in the organization” (, 1/16 ).

WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW? WBZ-FM's Mike Felger said he believes Robert Kraft still "runs the team," though his son, Patriots President Jonathan Kraft, reportedly is "involved (and) demonstrative" regarding the franchise. Felger noted Jonathan "made his presence felt here at the end with Bill (Belichick), and I get the sense that he's making his presence felt here in the transition." Boston Sports Journal's Greg Bedard said, "Jonathan's involved, and he's going to be involved. ... If you believe he's not going to be involved, I've got some swamp land to sell you." The Patriots are introducing Jerod Mayo as their new coach Wednesday afternoon, and both Krafts are expected to be sitting on the podium. Felger said, "Jonathan doesn't do the radio thing here with us anymore, hasn't done that in years. He's really not spoken publicly hardly at all, very sparingly. If he's taking questions and speaking, I think that's a little bit of a tell of his role in the organization. ... Let's see how present and up front he is (at today's announcement)" ( "Felger & Mazz," WBZ-FM, 1/16 ).

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