Pat McAfee announced yesterday that Jets QB Aaron Rodgers would not be continuing his weekly appearances on the former punter’s show on ESPN this season after the last two spots in particular “ caused an uproa r,” but it is “unclear at this time whether Rodgers will return to McAfee’s show next season,” according to Ryan Glasspiegel of the N.Y. POST. Rodgers had been slated to appear on the program through the Super Bowl and it has now confirmed that McAfee “made the call to cut the collaboration off early.” McAfee last night wrote on social media that the “end of the segment was planned and that he hopes Rodgers will return in the future.” McAfee wrote, “Our fans know that ART [Rodgers’ segment] ends shortly after Aaron’s team’s season ends.. that’s how it’s been. He’ll make random surprise welcomed pop ins during big events or offseason adventures but, it’s always been a season thing. I never said he’ll never be on the show again. I hope he chooses to still chat with us” ( N.Y. POST, 1/10 ). McAfee added, “I haven’t polled our crowd but I’m rather certain that nobody’s wanting to come hangout with us to hear us talk about politics. I think it’s probably a massive reason for our success actually… so all of this has been a good reminder of what we’re good for, and who we’re good for. Some day, I’ll try and build up enough of a brain to dive into the politics world but that time is nowhere near now" ( INDIANAPOLIS STAR, 1/10 ).
TIME TO MOVE ON : McAfee on his show yesterday said, “We’ve given a lot of people who’ve been waiting for us to fail a lot of ammo, and things to attack us for over the last week.” He noted Rodgers is a “a massive piece of the NFL story” and added, “We are very lucky to get to chat with him and learn from him. Some of his thoughts and opinions, though, do piss off a lot of people.” McAfee also said he was ““pumped” not to have to deal with that every week ( WALL STREET JOURNAL, 1/10 ). USA TODAY’s Nancy Armour wrote McAfee “should consider making the hiatus permanent” for Rodgers. It is “understandable why McAfee wants Rodgers as a regular guest.” Armour: “Just as people gawk at traffic accidents, so, too, do they tune in every Tuesday to see what kind of dumpster fire Rodgers is going to start." Passing on high ratings "is not a smart business move, especially when you’ve just moved to ESPN.” However, McAfee “has to know the long-term damage this is doing and his role in it” ( USA TODAY, 1/10 ).
A CHANGING DYNAMIC : In N.Y., Kevin Draper in a front-page piece noted that ESPN execs used to considered "publicly criticizing a colleague practically the worst thing an employee could do.” However, But McAfee’s “great escape ... illustrates the bind that ESPN’s executives are in by empowering Mr. McAfee when the company is transitioning from the cable era it dominated into the streaming and social media era it has so far entered with less success.” Draper noted it is “not clear” where the dispute between McAfee and Executive Editor & Head of Event and Studio Production Norby Williamson may have begun as the two “operate in separate domains.” One possible reason McAfee “escaped punishment” is that, while Williamson had “never been criticized by an ESPN employee so publicly, it wasn’t the first time someone at the network clashed with him and believed he was being undermining” ( N.Y. TIMES, 1/10 ).
A DIFFERENT ESPN AUDIENCE : NEWSWEEK’s Thomas Westerholm wrote McAfee’s fans “don't seem to be looking for buttoned-up television personalities citing figures." They "want to hear about sports, but they also want to giggle and smirk along” with McAfee and co-host A.J. Hawk when Rodgers “insults McAfee's bosses.” Viewers want the “vibe McAfee provides: A free-flowing conversation about sports that branches into other arenas while also breaking down the fourth wall of a giant media apparatus and exposing all of the inner workings.” That exposure has made execs who “previously operated behind the scenes into the public eye.” If ESPN is committed to McAfee, it “remains to be seen whether anything can be done about it” ( NEWSWEEK, 1/10 ).