Her 40-year career includes sports marketing and broader marketing and brand strategy oversight for an all-star roster of consumer companies: McDonald’s, MillerCoors, General Mills and, most recently, Krispy Kreme and Bojangles. Along the way, she’s tackled everything from supervising blockbuster Super Bowl ads to overseeing global Olympics and World Cup sponsorships and on to reshaping the way fast-food companies interact with their customers.
The discipline and dedication she explained by way of one short sentence: “I’m the eldest child of a naval captain.”
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As for the improvisation? There is a reason that Woodward has spent the bulk of her career carving paths in sports marketing when she’s, admittedly, not that interested in sports from a fan’s perspective — and despite coming up through the ranks at a time when female executives remained rare in all aspects of sports and sports business.
“I’m always chasing and looking for what’s that next interesting thing,” she said.
Again and again in Woodward’s career, looking for the next interesting thing — or simply being willing to take on what no one else wanted to — has led her to that next interesting thing. Improvise as needed but prepare and explore as much as possible.
Those threads surfaced during Woodward’s first job at Chicago-based public relations agency Golin, where she was assigned to the McDonald’s account. She ran the McDonald’s All-American High School Band program, in part because of her musical background. At the time, she thought she had found her dream job.
The high school band program, though, was not so all-encompassing that it could fill all of Woodward’s time. During a lull, the agency needed someone to help with McDonald’s extensive role in the 1984 Olympics and the lead-in competitions. Eventually, after no one else wanted the assignment, the agency handed Woodward a plane ticket and sent her to the McDonald’s International Diving Invitational in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Two months later, they dispatched her to Indianapolis for the Olympic swim trials.
McDonald’s was heavily involved in the 1984 Los Angeles Games; the company paid for the new swim stadium built on the USC campus that year for the Summer Olympics.
Woodward was too junior to go to the Games for Golin or McDonald’s, but her career path took on a new direction after those initial forays into sports marketing. She recognized how a passion for sports could motivate consumers of brands tied to those sports.
“I was at a time in my life where I was looking to really specialize in something and go deep and get good at it and this is what came along,” she said.
Woodward added, “I’m not an athlete; I was a musician. I think that has worked in my favor over the years because I’m totally unemotional about the sports themselves. I care about consumers, and I care about bringing great experiences to life.”

In recent months, Woodward has embarked on a new phase of her career, retiring from Bojangles after four years with the company as chief marketing officer. She’s taken up residence full time in Pinehurst, N.C., where she and her husband, a former USA Today Olympics reporter, bought a home in 1999 but waited until 2014 to make it their full-time residence.
Woodward, however, is not the retiring type. Instead, she’s talking to her extensive network of corporate, marketing and sports business contacts (one colleague told Woodward that she “collects interesting people,” an assessment she agreed with) about her desire to be a fractional CMO: that is, a chief marketing officer for a smaller- to midsized company in need of a marketing or brand overhaul or modernization. The trend of fractional executives centers on part-time or limited full-time tenures of as little as six to 18 months.
For Woodward, the key is being part of the decision-making chain, not a consultant. A fractional executive, she noted, “is embedded in the company.”
The other half of her re-imagined career is as a growth strategist and executive coach — roles that friends and colleagues in the industry said she was already practicing, informally anyway, earlier in her career. Woodward’s move into career coaching comes from a simple premise.
“I have discovered through the course of my career that the most rewarding work is unlocking people’s potential,” she said. “I’ve been pleased to be that kind of support, particularly for women.”
She believes people newly promoted to C-suite positions will be her best clients. It’s a challenge Woodward understands after presiding for years over marketing and sponsorship departments but not reporting directly to CEOs and thinking about companywide strategy until 2016 with Krispy Kreme.
Making that transition, especially for women, who tend to be in the minority on executive teams, requires a different way of thinking, she added.
Tony Mayhoff, senior vice president and chief commercial officer for DEJ Management and JR Motorsports, the entities owned by retired NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., negotiated with Woodward and worked with her for several years as Bojangles made Earnhardt Jr. an endorser.
“I always walked away from those conversations better off and more educated — she was very gracious with me,” he said. With that in mind, he said of her new role, “I’m glad she’s able to do that more formally because she was already doing it for anybody that worked for her [or with her].”
The coaching-fractional executive combination makes sense to people who know Woodward’s interest and acumen.
“I love it,” said Megan Hughes Allison, a close friend of Woodward’s and managing director at brand consulting firm Underdog Venture Team. “And I think she’s going to kick ass. She can go out and help a brand and help coach people on how to be a good corporate professional, how to lead with empathy.”
A distillation of their friendship and professional drive can be seen in W3, short for Woodward’s Women’s Weekend. Woodward and Hughes were discussing Woodward’s network and the disparate, scattered friends that she has made in her career. Woodward mentioned that she wished that those female friends from various aspects of her career could know one another, could lean on each other and, as much as anything, know how much richer they have made Woodward’s career and life.
Hughes stopped her and asked, why can’t you do that?
As with many things in Woodward’s world, the answer was, she could. So, why not do it?
Jackie Woodward’s brand connections
Chief Marketing Officer
Krispy Kreme
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Chief Marketing Officer
General Mills
Minneapolis-St. Paul
VP, Global Media
VP, Media and Marketing Services/Marketing Connections
Oak Brook, Ill.
VP, Global Marketing
Bay Area
General Manager, Consumer Products
Oak Brook, Ill.
Senior Manager
In April 2021, Woodward hosted a group of a dozen women for an all-expenses paid trip to Charleston for what she dubbed W3. She offered to pay for the weekend so that no one would have an excuse to say no. The structure was a blend of social activities, professional development, and discussions about career and personal goals and concerns.
At the end of the weekend, Woodward told the group that she would be fine if it was a one-and-done occurrence but held out the possibility of continuing the network if there was interest. And if their interest included a future W3 weekend, everyone would have to be committed enough to pay their own way.
“To a person, they said, ‘Oh, no, we need to be [together] in 2022,’” Woodward recalled.
They have gone to other parts of the country in subsequent years — to better serve the geographic diversity of participants — and another W3 gathering is already scheduled in 2024. Woodward calls it one of the most gratifying things she’s done.
W3 offers a glimpse into Woodward’s approach: strategic, self-confident, and open to others’ ideas and expectations.
Carolina Panthers President Kristi Coleman, who got to know Woodward during her stint at Bojangles, one of the NFL team’s few remaining original sponsors dating to 1995, came away impressed that Woodward often wanted to meet with as many of the business-side staff as possible.
She always wanted to know, Coleman added, “what is going on with them and with our business” to further hone the strategy of Bojangles’ sponsorship to benefit both sides.
John Tatum, CEO at Genesco Sports Enterprises, first got to know Woodward 15 years ago, when she was at MillerCoors. There and at subsequent stops, Tatum said, Woodward always proved agile, not settling for by-the-numbers sponsorships and marketing campaigns. Instead, he added, she would look at alternatives and assess each one fully, holding them all to the same standard: What’s the return on investment?
“There are two types of clients,” Tatum said. “There’s the jock sniff, the fan clients. And then there’s the smart, strategic client. Jackie firmly falls into the latter category.”
Hill Carrow, chairman and CEO of the 2029 World University Games, to be held in North Carolina, agreed. Carrow recently recruited Woodward as a consultant for the event, which is estimated to generate $150 million in economic development.
Woodward described herself as a voracious reader and a voracious networker. Curiosity, she believes, has fueled any success that she has enjoyed.
“I will take a meeting with anybody,” Woodward said. She quickly corrected herself: “Please don’t say that. Because I’m going to get, like, 2,000 calls.”
A rueful chuckle turned to a smile: “But I love the sparking with ideas that comes from reading and knowing and talking to people from different walks of life.”

Woodward declined to disclose her age (ageism still exists, she said) but age doesn’t seem to matter to her internally. During an interview with SBJ, she volunteered that she will never retire.
She likes work too much to quit, she said.
Woodward has had more time to think about her various ventures since 2014. That’s when she quit playing piano because she couldn’t fit a piano in the Pinehurst house.
As if to put a punctuation point on her continuing interest in marketing and strategy, moments later, when asked whether Pinehurst’s famed golf courses lured her, she dismissed the notion the way Tiger Woods deflated rivals in his prime: quickly and without hesitation.
“I don’t play golf — I don’t have time,” she replied.
Indeed, Woodward is too busy giving Freud the slip.
“I love ambiguity, I love hard things that nobody else wants to do,” she said by way of summing up her approach. As an example, she cited taking on the task of figuring out how to feed all of the athletes McDonald’s in the Olympic village in 1996 — a first for the company.
Feeding the athletes in Atlanta presented challenges in logistics — how do you ensure staffing and everything else that goes along with feeding 10,000 people at all times of day for two weeks? — and diplomacy. In the latter case, coordinating with Aramark, the concessionaire at Georgia Tech, where Olympic athletes lived during the Summer Games.
Woodward took on the task with a huge assist from Cheryl Kirk, McDonald’s director of operations, who recruited several hundred workers from restaurants across the country to cook and serve at the Olympics. Beyond those concerns, Woodward said coordination and agreements had to be negotiated with Coca-Cola, an Olympic sponsor whose largest customer was McDonald’s, and the international and local governing and organizing bodies of the Games.
Logistics, activation, hospitality, marketing — all of these and more figured into starting and running the athletes’ McDonald’s meal program. Woodward said she took on the task because no one else jumped at the opportunity. She’s proud that she presided over the program through the 2006 Games in Italy, refining the process along the way. As an example, she pointed to staffing: What started as a search for volunteers at the 1996 Olympics became a perk and point of pride: McDonald’s employees wanted to work in the athletes village.
In subsequent years, McDonald’s executives created a “medal ceremony” and banquet for employees selected to work in the Olympics dining hall, Woodward said. “It was meaningful.”
Woodward added, “Feeding the athletes was a blank canvas. Somebody’s got to go figure that out. … I love the challenge of change.”
Leave it to Woodward to close the conversation with a perfect coda.
Erik Spanberg writes for the Charlotte Business Journal, an affiliated publication.