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IndyCar teams, drivers growing frustrated with direction of the series

Frustration is growing among IndyCar teams and drivers that are “lamenting IndyCar’s series of fumbled opportunities, setbacks, misunderstood decisions or gambles” that have “culminated in Honda’s ultimatum,” according to Nathan Brown of the INDIANAPOLIS STAR. American Honda Motorsports manager Chuck Schifsky characterized Honda’s eight-figure investment in outfitting more than half the series’ 27 cars “too expensive when compared to the exposure it gets and the kind of innovation it can explore under present-day rules.” Brown writes either "drastically change your cost-structure" or "risk losing a 30-year partner when the contract expires at the end of 2026." Talk to any number IndyCar or Penske Entertainment execs about the state of the sport, and they will "quickly point to that concrete entry growth that has come from that burgeoned stability" of Penske leadership. Series leadership is "staunchly against the refresh of a new car," and "you can start to see the root of Honda’s displeasure in the status quo." Questions and concerns are “felt across a paddock that once couldn’t speak highly enough about the bright, promising future under Penske leadership.” It includes "growing factions of veteran voices among drivers, owners, team officials and fans" questioning its "priorities, connectivity to its base and effectiveness in ensuring that major, impactful projects land on-time and as-promised." Though IndyCar “may not be at risk of dying and disappearing,” a "fall into obscurity, stagnation and false-starts could be only marginally better" ( INDIANAPOLIS STAR, 12/14 ).

IN THE BACK OF MY MIND :’s Marshall Pruett wrote Honda and Acura’s TV advertising is "a sign of where the company ranks IndyCar’s comparative worth" against its other racing programs. Its commercials in the U.S. have featured the Red Bull F1 team and "the promotion of its championship-winning hybrid engines used by Max Verstappen, not its championship- and Indy 500-winning IndyCar engines,” and its hybrid GTP car is “the obvious centerpiece of Acura’s motorsport-themed advertising” (, 12/13 ).

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