Pro Football HOFers Peyton Manning and Emmitt Smith are appearing in a new campaign for Bud Light that is being called the brand’s “biggest Super Bowl ticket giveaway ever,” according to Jon Springer of AD AGE. A new ad called “Easy Rounds” features Manning buying a round of Bud Light for bar customers and handing them out “using his quarterback’s arm, turning bar patrons into wide receivers.” One of them “encounters Emmitt Smith’s impromptu referee act.” Both 15- and 30-second versions will air leading up to the Super Bowl. The latest campaign comes as Bud Light “continues to look for a way out of a severe sales slump brought on by the Dylan Mulvaney controversy .” An A-B InBev spokesperson indicated that the company “would announce its Super Bowl ad plans at a later date” ( AD AGE, 12/1 ).
Ordering a round of Bud Light’s never looked easier to enjoy, thanks to Peyton Manning & Emmitt Smith
— Bud Light (@budlight) December 1, 2023
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