Episode 1 of SBJ's "Inside the Industry" is now on YouTube.

Power Players: Quintar

Sankar Jayaram

Chief Executive Officer

Jeff Jonas



Sankar Jayaram and Jeff Jonas are longtime veterans of extended reality and noticed a clear opening in the space: A demand for quality content that had both utility and entertainment value. Jayaram and Jonas, both formerly of Intel Sports, developed Quintar as a way to boost the in-venue fan experience by providing a second-screen experience to go along with live action. Quintar’s partnership with the PGA Tour, which has incorporated Quintar’s software development kit into the tour app, allowed the company to support 12 events this year by letting fans see shot-tracking views through their mobile devices. Quintar also partnered with AT&T for an XR experience in the G League that gave fans a stat-centric view that they could customize to their preferences. — E.J.

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