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Nebraska regents express funding concerns after approving Memorial Stadium renovation

The Univ. of Nebraska Board of Regents authorized a $450M plan to “ overhaul and update Memorial Stadium ” after the 2024 football season, while also raising concerns about the “ambitious size and scope of the project,” according to Chris Dunker of the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR. Regents “voiced hesitation” at whether the athletic department “could meet its fundraising goal” of $225M in private funds. The remainder of the project is “going to be paid for through existing athletic department dollars and other unidentified university funds.” Regent Jim Scheer asked that Nebraska AD Trev Alberts to “come back to the board with a series of ‘off ramps,’” or “options the university could choose if funding came up short or expenses ran high.” Regent Barb Weitz also said that the “timing of the project” -- which comes as NU is looking to cut $58M from its budget over the next two years and is in the middle of a $3B fundraising campaign to pay for scholarships, investments in faculty and research and other priorities -- “gave her pause.” Alberts told regents that the $450M price tag is “what it would take to meet what 22,000 fans expressed was needed at the stadium in a 2022 survey,” as well as to “set the iconic college football venue and Husker athletics up for success in the next 25-50 years.” Initial plans indicate the project would be done by August 2026, but Alberts said that fans “may not be back in South Stadium until 2027” ( LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR, 10/5 ).

PRIVATE MONEY : In Omaha, Henry Cordes noted the renovation plans call for half of the $450M to be “raised by private donors.” Under the $5.5M contract approved Thursday, that responsibility falls to Omaha-based Nebraska Philanthropic Trust. When it comes to “other funding” for the project, at least $100M more will come from athletic funds, including $50M in “donor-given reserves” and $50M from currently generated revenues, but where the final $125M will come from “remains to be seen.” Alberts said that he has “not ruled out seeking public funds for the project,” but made clear that the school “would not tap any of the tax dollars, tuition or student fees that currently fund the university” ( OMAHA WORLD-HERALD, 10/5 ).

Memorial Stadium proposed renovation Univ. of Nebraska

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