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Experience working on ’96 Olympics sealed Wicker’s interest in sports

J.D. Wicker was a graduate student at Georgia when the 1996 Olympics were held in Atlanta. Bill Knight, had been appointed the cluster manager in Athens, Ga., where some of the soccer and volleyball competitions were being held.

Wicker, a sports management student who didn’t have a wealth of experience in sports, was looking for ways to get involved. 

One of his first assignments from Knight was to follow a computer-aided design drawing around Sanford Stadium to determine if it showed the correct number of sinks, bathroom stalls and urinals.

It wasn’t a glamorous assignment, but it was one that further convinced Wicker that sports was where he wanted to be.

“From that point on, I was poring over those CAD drawings,” Wicker said. “I really enjoyed the facility piece of it.”

Knight recruited Wicker onto the logistics staff in Athens, working long days in preparation for the ’96 Games. One of their jobs was to put the podiums in place for the medal presentation.

“It was awesome,” Wicker said. “I’ll always remember that as one of the top two or three moments I’ve been associated with.”

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