SBJ Q&A: AEG’s Michele Kajiwara on curiosity, allies, Arena changes and WISE recognition


M ichele Kajiwara , the feisty and ebullient 20-plus-year senior vice president of premium business and events for AEG at Arena, was recently named one of four WISE Women of the Year. It was a meaningful, and surprising, recognition for Kajiwara, who has been a WISE (Women In Sports and Events) member since she started in the sports industry in the early 2000s. Kajiwara stuck out in my mind from a 2022 reporting trip to L.A. during which the building’s president, Lee Zeidman, allowed me to be a fly-on-the-wall and watch a staff meeting. Even with a reporter sitting in the corner, she didn’t hold back.

I caught up with Kajiwara, a member of SBJ’s Game Changers Class of 2019, recently to talk about the WISE award, knowing when “it feels right” to make a major life decision, her dogs and the looming departure of the L.A. Clippers from Arena.

When it came to your award, the WISE award, did you know about it? Did you have to give a speech?

Kajiwara: So, I didn’t know about it. Internal allies, females in the company had recommended me. I did give a speech and was part of a symposium the day before the luncheon. We all had to write a letter to our younger selves, and it was a really vulnerable and interesting conversation because I feel like the women that were all nominated with me this year all had similar journeys. There was a lot of conversation around wellness, female-specific wellness and physical issues that come up as you age. It was a really candid, really great conversation.

How important has WISE been to you in your sports career?

Kajiwara: Having that female allyship and being able to reach out to, really, any woman as part of that network, there is an immediate trust circle that is established. Everyone rolls up their sleeves and does the work for each other to get job interviews, get visibility, get celebrated, be introduced, have more connections, and just be valuable resources to each other, and it’s automatic. An organization like WISE has created a lot of really great relationships on an accelerated level — we probably could have gotten there on our own — but it creates meaningful space and opportunity to be in the room, ironically enough with a lot of women I work with that I don’t get to see very often in the work environment. So, it does provide those opportunities that don’t naturally happen on a day-to-day. 

I read an interview you did with ALSD when you were announced as its board president, and you said “it just felt right at the time” multiple times about key, and bold, decisions you’ve made in your life, including several solo trips around the world and a significant career change that led you to sports. How did you recognize that “it just felt right?”

Kajiwara: Staying present and knowing what feels right at the moment has been the ultimate guiding light because I’m trusting my intuition, being present in the moment and not thinking so far ahead that I’m sort of sabotaging what’s happening in the now. There are so many things you can try to forecast for that don’t ultimately swing your way. For me, being able to trust what feels good in the moment is the way that I can stay the most true to who I am. By living in the moment, I think you optimize your time most effectively.

What have you learned from two decades of dealing with high-net-worth people?

Kajiwara: You can connect with everyone if you take the time to establish a level of trust and ask a lot of questions. Something I come back to a lot is this idea of being curious or being interesting and in a two-way conversation or relationship, you’ve got to be one or the other, or both, in order to drive conversation and create some level of trust. Being observant and respectful of their journey establishes some immediate trust that you aren’t just there for the money or the transaction, and because we do long-term contracts for everything we sell, it is about that relationship, and being 20 years in this, I still have relationships with people that I sold and serviced when I started.  

Much of Kajiwara’s 20-plus years in L.A. have been hosting the most famous fans in sports. Courtesy of AEG

The more curious we are the more interesting we become, because our learning curve becomes that much more broad. And we get to learn from all these people and get their CliffsNotes on life. And they’ve lived it and they’ve gone through these amazing iterations on becoming CEOs, and leaders, and financial behemoths, in addition to personally what they’re able to do and how they run their household, and where they live and where they go to school and how they were brought up. A lot of the people don’t come from money either, so you get these real humble beginning stories and really break it down. And that’s where the humanity piece comes in. Everybody has these great stories to tell and at some point, they get curious about you as well, and that’s when I think the real magic happens. So, it’s this awesome circle of curiosity and being interesting that sort of continues to feed on itself and I love that loop. 

Who are your favorite celebrities to deal with at Arena?

Kajiwara: The celebrities that I’ve had the most shock and awe from are not on the movie side, it’s been literally with rappers in our buildings that are suite holders. That genre for me was the coolest, and they are the coolest. There are a few where you just go, like … dang. But [celebrities are] everywhere here in L.A. Somebody else went absolutely nuts running down the corridor the other day, he’s like, ‘Oh my god, that’s the Bachelor. The new Bachelor!’ I’m like, OK, I have no idea. 

You have two dogs. What kind of dogs, what are their names?

Kajiwara: One is Kaya, the other is Zoe, and they’re both pit mixes that we rescued. One of them went with my ex-husband. It’s kind of funny because when we divorced, I was telling everybody that we’re not together and immediately people, instead of going, ‘How are you, I can’t believe you got divorced!’ were like, ‘How are the dogs doing?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m fine, I’m good.’ But yeah, they’re both doing great. I’m the biggest dog mom, I don’t have kids. Literally, wherever I am, if there is a dog around, I’m petting it.

What will this major Arena renovation that wraps up this year do for your premium business?

Kajiwara: Any time we can talk about improving the building and providing a higher-level experience is important, even more so because we do have so many new buildings in Los Angeles, especially with Intuit Dome being a dominant news story with the exodus of the Clippers at the end of this season. So, everybody that is in our building is acutely aware that [the Clippers are] leaving, they have a new building, and they’re being courted. Having the renovations and having a foothold in this market for so long gives us a double story to tell in that we’re making improvements, but we’re also iconic. We have all the history and all the legendary storytelling and it’s a house that greatness has happened in. 

How do you feel about the Clippers’ exit? Has it been awkward?

Kajiwara: It’s an elephant in the room if you make it. We’ve been able to talk about it for a few years because we’ve known it’s coming, so instead of skirting the issue, we talk about it. Some of the strategy around the renewal or the offering, how we’re going to make adjustments to that, came a little later in the game, but talking about the Clippers leaving has not been awkward. We’re going through our renewals right now, and we’re getting a lot of really good feedback and renewals because people understand the value proposition of what’s still in the building. At the end of the day, we’re going to have a more manageable product. One of the pushbacks is we have so many events; so, reducing the number of events somebody is going to have to manage by 41 home games, plus some playoffs, is going to make it a little more manageable — there is probably going to be a little less spoilage. By the Clippers leaving that opens up more dates for us to schedule concerts around. There is a lot of upside for everyone, honestly. … Because we’ve been in market for so long, people know what they’re getting here. You’re getting championship banners, marquee teams, all the celebrity, these are things you know are going to happen in this building. You know there are going to be incredible, f---ing wow moments. The buzz here, this epicenter, it’s not going anywhere. 

You’ve reached a high perch in the pro sports and entertainment industry. What are you focusing on with what’s left of your career? (Not that you’re going anywhere!)

Kajiwara: Right now, I’m focused on our renewals and making sure all these relationships I’ve cultivated over 21 years feel good about reinvesting in, and I can make sure we stabilize our business going into next year. This is radical, losing a team. I don’t know too many buildings that go through something like this. I also, in the very short and long term, want to make sure that I hold space to bring up other women, more minorities, and create that spotlight on diversity and some underserved, underrepresented people in the workforce. I look at our team and I’m so proud about who we have working for us and that we’ve been very intentional and deliberate about casting a wide net for talent and bringing them up so that the future of our industry looks different and performs at a level that we can help elevate. Leaving this industry better than I found it is of paramount importance to me. 

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